Having a strong social media presence is SO important for artists. This is the primary way for you to become an active member in your art community, and a great way for clients to find you!
Follow other artists. This is pretty simple, but by following artists you admire, you can get inspired!
Follow art galleries, exhibitions and companies near you. This is such a fun way to get involved in your art community! This is an awesome way to find out about what's going on in your city. Make sure to tag them in posts if you visit exhibitions or are displaying your own work.
Have a good bio. Make sure potential clients know what you do and if you are open for collaborations. Take a look at your favourite artists to see what they do.
Link your website. If you don't have a website, make one. Use your website as the link in your bio, so employers or clients can look at it.
Do contests. I know this one is a bit weird, but if you have the time, enter art contests (Adobe has great ones!). When you enter these kinds of contests, it creates an easy entry point for you to like other peoples contest submissions, get inspired, and often times expand your audience! A win, win, win, situation for everyone!
Make your profile photo recognizable. I like to keep things consistent! I created my lady bug element and use it for my profile photo everywhere - that way people might recognize it across different platforms (Instagram, RedBubble, my website, my email, client quotes and invoices etc.)
Post photos of you actually creating your art. I find this one challenging, but often adding a time lapse, photo of you painting, etc. is received really well by followers! It helps engage them in the work you are doing and is a great way to post more regularly.
Make your account a business account. With business accounts you have the ability to access your "Insights" section. One particularly important aspect of this, is that it shows you what posts and stories are your most popular. Once you know what your audience likes the best, you can make your posts better!
Use hashtags. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. Tags are everything. Make sure to add city and country specific tags (I use #calgaryart for example). This can help potential clients find you!
Above all, make sure you are positive and respectful on your social media accounts! Be kind, like and comment in your free time, and post often!